Author Interviews Starting in June

Author Interviews Starting in June

Resuming Author Interviews

Author Laney Smith

Thanks to the wonderful support and encouragement by Authors S.J. Hermann and Laney Smith, I’m going to start doing author interviews again in June (Indies have preference.) I know what you’re thinking. Why? With two upcoming novels and a collection of short stories, don’t I have enough going on?

 Actually you’re right. But these interviews are as much for me as the authors I’m interviewing. I love books and when I finish a really good book, I want to contact the author and say, “Hey, I loved your book! Do you have some time? I’d love to talk to you about it.”
And, this, this is my opportunity to not only talk to the author but share with as many people as possible about this amazing read and the even more amazing author who wrote it!
Author S.J. Hermann

Here are my requirements for doing an interview:

 – I must LOVE your book
– I don’t do canned interviews so every question is organic
(specific to that book and your interview)
– All communication must be honest and sincere.

Process –

 If you agree to let me interview you, I’ll ask for your website address, press release and any pic of you (no nudes, please,) do some research and then send you 1-3 initial questions. I’ll base my next questions upon your responses to the initial questions and so on. No pressure, no hurry, and no worries. Any questions?
If you’re an Indie Author and want me to interview you. First, thank you! Whether I pick your book or not, I wish you much success in your writing, and never give up. There is only one of me, so I must be extremely picky in what books I choose to read.
Second, send me the link to  your book either in the comments section below, a message to my Twitter account or via my Facebook Author page so I may read the description and the first few pages on your book along with your reviews. (If I can’t do that, you’re book will automatically be disqualified.)
If I’m interested in reading your book, I’ll let you know.
Thank you. 🙂
Sincerely yours,
Ingrid Foster
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