Author: Ingrid Foster



I can’t focus

I can’t think

The wanderlust is growing

It’s time to go,

I feel it so

With each degree it rises

The winter sun now getting hot

My patience is imploding

I loved it here

Our home away

My favorite destination

Now with each day

I fight my restlessness

Homes boarded up

Cupboards locked

Our neighbors have gone north

We are alone

I hate to moan

But it’s time we move on

My inner spirit warns

Yesterday it spoke

It was no joke

It’s voice was loud and clear

I’m done with here

This cross to bear

The Wanderers must depart.

Copyright 2008

The Writer

The Writer

I’m floundering


Too scared to know

Where to begin

I’m lost in a maze

Of confusion

Not knowing where

To start and

where to end.

There are so many stories


A thousand voices calling

My name.

All pleading for

My attention.



Why this feeling of anxiety?

I’ve been consumed by it everyday

As though something is missing in my life

I miss having a library to spend countless hours writing

Or researching

I miss fresh air and sunshine

And long to have a balcony to relax on

Without the feeling of being pent up

In a box!

I miss stores and malls to escape to

I miss peace of mind and large bank accounts

I think we’ve been down here far too long

At this the sandy bottom of the US

I don’t long for open roads but rather open spaces

To allow my mind to soar as needed.

I am not made for pent up closures

I am not made for rules or restrictions

I am made for life and living

And breathing

And the endless flight

Of a creative mind.

Am I Wrapped in a Layer of Ambiguity?

Am I Wrapped in a Layer of Ambiguity?

I am lost in the daze of an unfamiliar fog

Mentally drained, emotionally depleted and

Physically? Restless, yes, I yearn to walk

Among the colorful landscapes of my youth,

Where reds and golds and browns layered

The ground while filling the sky above my head,

I long for chilly temperatures and the light of

Jack-a-lanterns …and the dresses and long capes

We wore back then, I long for the fellowship of

Family, the songs, the dancing, the merriment as

We embraced the natural world long gone…

I was different then, I was wild and free, and we

Were…hunted,  we did not fit their ideal,

We were strange and our naturalness was

Unnatural in their eyes, we were a threat, and so

They chased us and imprisoned us, and ultimately,

Burned us, but not to rid the earth of us, but rather

To purge their own damaged souls…, Is this why

I feel so restless? Are the memories of who and what

I was returning? Am I denying my true self?

Perhaps that is why I yearn for the simple ‘ness

Of yesterday and the love of the family and friends

Long gone…but I wonder, are the lives we live today real?

Or a lie, a search for fulfillment as we strived to hide

The truth of who we are inside, Or maybe, that’s just me.

Copyright 2014

They Marched Through My Dream

They Marched Through My Dream

They marched in a line, through the

Darkness of my dream, their bodies

Engorged as I remembered them, eyes

Wide, frightened, reflecting our betrayal,

To this day I remember her, her loss

I felt so strongly as a child, hearing her

Loud, horrified cries as that man

With his three stubbed fingers,

Forced her onto the bed of his truck,

“No,” I had yelled, cried out, she was

My world, my Molly…and she was there

At the head of the line, Molly so big,

So beautiful,

They were all there, Molly, her daughter

Beauty, and Baby, my Becky’s mother and some

I hardly remember, ones we hadn’t named,

In a long line,


My father, he was gone, but his words,

His history, his indifference remained,

A farm is no place for the soft of heart,

Our food begets our food, the first mistake

Is naming them, the second is loving them,

And the third is sending them to slaughter,

I left the farm right after high school and

Never looked back, the memories, the

Reminders, they still haunt my dreams,

My own private nightmares,

Of a place I can never return to,

And a barn that was both my haven

And the place of my first, worst nightmare.

Fleeting Bliss

Fleeting Bliss

The rain upon the desert falls

Drenching it’s sweet moisture

Upon the cacti, tall arms lifted up

Embracing the not-so-gentle drops

As in the distance lightning stabs the

Dark sky while thunder, like a rude

House guest, disrupts this fleeting bliss.

Poetry – An Ode to a Legend, A Life Well Lived

Poetry – An Ode to a Legend, A Life Well Lived

Another legend has gone away

Too soon, too fast for us to notice

His pain before that moment

When he chose his life to end

Leaving us to mourn with endless

Sorrow his radiance,

His brilliance,

And now he’s gone, but not

Forgotten. His gifts to us

Remain and his talent will

Forevermore be remembered,

For that is all we could ever wish,

The creative among us,

That our words, our thoughts,

Our minds consumed with

Music or verse or endless chatter,

We compose and recite and write or

Act, with the hope of leaving

A lasting impression,

But to die before our natural time

Causes those left behind to wonder

With sadness and confusion

What might have been done

To help a man so loved,

So esteemed,

So extraordinary,

From leaving us far too soon,

And so I sit here with my shadows

and thoughts remembering a man

Who once brought me laughter

And sunshine and smiles and made

This often too-dark world a happier place

And I think, Yes, that is his lasting

Impression, his legacy,

For though he left us too soon,

His truly was a life well lived, and

So to you, Mr. Williams, I say, thank you,

For teaching us expressions like, “Carpe Diem,”

My Healing Heart – Breaking the Chains

My Healing Heart – Breaking the Chains

My Pain, My Story, My Badass Art

Breaking the Chains

For whoever needs this:
USAF – 11 yrs 2 M 5 days
Holding the Crap That Happened to Me Inside – 37 yrs 9 M 2 days

The Pain

When I entered the military, one month after high school graduation, I was running, seeking, and hoping…I was also naive and ill-prepared both mentally and emotionally for what I was about to encounter.

The Cause

Many things happened within that fierce brotherhood where women were tolerated but not welcomed. For the longest time, I blamed myself for not only what happened but my reaction to what happened. Thirty-seven years later, I was sitting in the VA, waiting to begin Counseling. I had just renewed an acquaintance with my first love, art, and had my notebook with me.

Healing Begins

Like many, many times during my lifetime, whether it be writing or art, my creativity helped to unleash and unravel what was holding me emotionally captive. Many times I have said my writing keeps me sane…apparently, so does art.

My History

I began writing for emotional release when I was seventeen. I was in a bad situation at home and had fallen in love with reading many years before. Somehow, for me, writing was a natural reaction. From there I began writing for fun.
Three months later, to placate my abuser, I gave it up and aside from emotional release, it would be decades before I would write again. Why am I sharing this? To be honest, it’s not easy. But if my story will help others to express what’s chewing them up on the inside, then sharing my story is worth it.

Let it Out!

Write, draw, talk to someone you trust, go into a private room and scream if you have to, but get that shit out. It’s eating you up and no amount of medicine is going to give you the emotional release that expressing what you’re feeling can give you.
Hey, if it helped/helps an awkward farm girl from Pennsylvania, it might help you. 
The Challenge of Writing a Book – NaNoWriMo

The Challenge of Writing a Book – NaNoWriMo

The Challenge of Writing a Book

The idea of writing a book in a month, National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) in November is a good one. However, life doesn’t stop just because you’re writing a book.

Every day writers the world over will say finding the time to write, like all major creative endeavors, is a challenge. And then, in November alone, you’ve got Thanksgiving and shopping for Christmas, who has time to write a book?!

The Commitment

For me, personally, a woman living with disabilities and caretaking a husband with a chronic and often life-threatening illness and now, a new dog, I couldn’t have picked a worse time for NaNoWriMo. Yet, still, I go on. Why?

This month of writing pushes me to make a daily commitment to me. I may not make that overall goal of 50,000 words. Who cares, what matters is that I am writing and like most writers, I need this outlet.

The Creativity

I am happiest when I’m writing and even happier when I’m writing my stories. They allow me to leave the stresses of everyday life behind. They allow me to stretch my creative muscles beyond real life and entertain the “what ifs.”

For instance, in my current NaNoWriMo novel-in-progress, so far I’ve released a hoard of “living” ghosts (one of which is a determined granny eager to get back to her mine.) I discovered two restaurant-owning dragons. I killed a major character in my series and uncovered the murder-plot that ties all these things together. And, the fun is just beginning!

Your Dream of Writing a Book

It’s so easy for us to get so caught in the day-to-day needs and wants that we put off something we’ve been wanting to do, for me, months, for others, years, and for many, decades. Yes, it’s November 11th, and you’re thinking, it’s too late, November is almost half over.

Nah. It’s never too late to follow your dreams! So sign up, join me in NaNoWriMo and just start writing. No matter how much or how little you get done, all that matters is that you’re on your way to fulfilling a dream!

For more about me and my stories – please make yourself at home and stay awhile…

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

aka November

This is my second November joining National Novel Writing Month, also known to the faithful as NaNoWriMo. I love doing NaNoWriMo ! Mainly because of the challenge, the feeling of daily word accomplishment and this year, the fellowship. On the whole, Writers are a marvelous group to know. You just have to get yourself out there and jump into the swim so to speak.

For me, it’s all about forcing myself to spend one month meeting a daily word count with the goal of 50K words. That’s a big head start toward a suspense novel! It also inspires me to keep writing, not only this month but the rest of the year.

Now, with all that said, it’s November and National Novel Writing Month. So, back to writing. This year’s project, book three of my Esme Bohlin Suspense series, THE DRAGON’S EGG. Yeah, I’m excited!

Thanks for reading! See you on NaNoWriMo

To learn Ingrid Foster as well as the amazing authors I’ve interviewed, stick around. I think you’ll be glad you did!