Author: Ingrid Foster

Coming June 2018

Coming June 2018

Two Great Interviews!

Coming in June, two great interviews with two great authors. Be sure to check them out –

 On June 4th – Vanessa Ravel

Author of the brilliant and surreal Gothic Horror FOUR O’CLOCK ALICE – 

A little girl. An ancient enemy. A shared past.

Alice Davies wouldn’t hurt a fly, but death seems to follow her everywhere. And as the body count rises, people in Dolwicke start to whisper.

Little do they know, Alice is the least of their worries.

A diabolical entity lurks in the shadows, finding nourishment in the ravages of war and plague. The insidious being also hungers for Alice, who is safe so long as she obeys the mysterious four o’clock curfew imposed by her parents.

But she’s a curious girl.

Desperate to uncover the truth behind her predicament, Alice embarks on a frightening journey of self-discovery that will lead her to face an ancient enemy and to discover a world she not only belongs in, but where she reigns supreme.

If you like ancient myths and portal fantasies, you’ll love this surreal tale that will pull you down the rabbit hole for the adventure of a lifetime.

Takes you by surprise and leaves you wanting more. A captivating read unlike anything I’ve ever read before! – Ingrid Foster


June 18th – Kevin Ansbro 

Author of the exciting, exotic and intensely captivating KINNARA –

“Sawat, I want to go into the water…”

Phuket, Thailand, seemed to be the perfect getaway choice for twenty-two-year-old Calum Armstrong:

What he saw, and did, on that holiday proves to have far-reaching consequences; not only for himself, but also for those closest to him.

In Germany, uncompromising Frankfurt detective, Otto Netzer, is leading the manhunt for a brutal serial killer who preys on heavily-pregnant women…

Neither Calum, nor the killer, yet realise that their destiny lies in the hands of a mythical creature who resides beneath the turquoise waters of the Andaman Sea.

Intriguing and exotic, Kevin Ansbro’s novel explores how our actions can come back to haunt us in the most unexpected ways.

A unique blend of old world mythology and new world travel. Ansbro skillfully enables the reader to feel and relate to the gentle and caring Thai people as they experience the monster tsunami that all but levels Phuket. – Ingrid Foster


Author Interviews Starting in June

Author Interviews Starting in June

Resuming Author Interviews

Author Laney Smith

Thanks to the wonderful support and encouragement by Authors S.J. Hermann and Laney Smith, I’m going to start doing author interviews again in June (Indies have preference.) I know what you’re thinking. Why? With two upcoming novels and a collection of short stories, don’t I have enough going on?

 Actually you’re right. But these interviews are as much for me as the authors I’m interviewing. I love books and when I finish a really good book, I want to contact the author and say, “Hey, I loved your book! Do you have some time? I’d love to talk to you about it.”
And, this, this is my opportunity to not only talk to the author but share with as many people as possible about this amazing read and the even more amazing author who wrote it!
Author S.J. Hermann

Here are my requirements for doing an interview:

 – I must LOVE your book
– I don’t do canned interviews so every question is organic
(specific to that book and your interview)
– All communication must be honest and sincere.

Process –

 If you agree to let me interview you, I’ll ask for your website address, press release and any pic of you (no nudes, please,) do some research and then send you 1-3 initial questions. I’ll base my next questions upon your responses to the initial questions and so on. No pressure, no hurry, and no worries. Any questions?
If you’re an Indie Author and want me to interview you. First, thank you! Whether I pick your book or not, I wish you much success in your writing, and never give up. There is only one of me, so I must be extremely picky in what books I choose to read.
Second, send me the link to  your book either in the comments section below, a message to my Twitter account or via my Facebook Author page so I may read the description and the first few pages on your book along with your reviews. (If I can’t do that, you’re book will automatically be disqualified.)
If I’m interested in reading your book, I’ll let you know.
Thank you. 🙂
Sincerely yours,
Ingrid Foster
This Pleasure of Music

This Pleasure of Music

This Pleasure of Music

I go to the well and drink
My soul quenched, my spirit at peace
As each note fills my senses,
I sit here absorbed in its beauty,
Oneness envelops me,
There is no negativity, I know only joy,
I wonder, why do I hesitate to enter this realm?
This garden, this forest, this world of light and serenity,
Silent I sit in wonderment as the music caresses me,
Relaxes the tension that once tighten me,
I am one, happy, as the melodious waves consume me
Filling my deepest inner recesses,
This world, this pleasure of music.




I search the embers for the home I knew,
For the life I once had,

There deep in the rumble lies my silver-plated music box,
A gift cherished, now destroyed,
Over there, yes, near that fallen cross beam
Is the meat tray from my mother’s china,
Even in the wet ashes the roses are still fresh,
Too bad the platter is broken,

That’s the story of my life, I am alive
But my memories are gone,
Burned away in the still of a cold, dark night,

“Oh, what’s the use,” I say to myself, if only
I had been consumed in the fire with that antique sofa,
My favorite place to lay reading a cherished book,
Now gone, all gone… And I must start over?
I’m 83 years old, how am I supposed to start over?

Across the wreckage the sun is rising in the east
Just it always has,
That old dependable sun giving me another morning,
A new day,

As its first golden rays creep across the dark ash
They catch a reflection, a burst of brightness,
There in the depth of black soot I dig,

It’s a picture, an old photo of a man’s smiling face,
The man I once called my own, he had always
Stood by me, holding me, supporting me,

And with that frame held to my breast, I knew,
Together, I had the strength to go one.

A Leap of Faith

A Leap of Faith

A Leap of Faith

I am standing on the edge, a precipice,
My world spread out before me, a vast, open canyon,
Do I take a step, perhaps a leap, of faith?

Or do I step back, away from the edge
And move to safer, more familiar ground?
It is easy to take the path more traveled
And return to a life planned for me,

But I have never been one to follow the herd,
No, I’ve always favored the road less traveled,
Moving on my own, the destination unknown,
Unmapped by those few who’ve gone before me,

But this world, this vast unknown frightens me,

I remind myself, fear is a known enemy,
For years I have faced it, head on, refusing to back down,
Not  bowing to its intimidation,

So why should I give in now? Age?
I am getting older, is this journey a path
For the young, their lives uncharted before them?

My God girl, you’re only fifty, why are so afraid?
Do you want to sit in a cubicle, working hard
For someone else, putting their lives, their wants
Ahead of your dreams, your goals, your desires?

Or do you take the risk and face your fear?

Your life is ahead of you, not behind you,
To deny yourself your future, is taking a step
Backwards, and that’s not you,

You are brave, courageous and strong,
Take a step, live, dare to dream, be you,
You were not meant to be boxed in,

Don’t put yourself in chains tied
To another’s dreams, force feeding their egos,
While you are sucked dry, slowly dying inside,
Your feet stuck on their path, not your own,

Remember fear is an enemy to be defeated,
Leap, child, leap, keep your eyes forward,
For yours is the world ahead not behind.

For Ammie ~ Forevermore

For Ammie ~ Forevermore


My world shattered when I was nine

You left me one last time,

I stood on the sofa and watched the lights

Swirl bright and red and I knew you were gone,

I cried and cried, I yelled and yelled,

You were my rock and then you were gone,

We went to the viewing, my family and I

So many people, all strangers,

And then there it was, a large metal box,

Inside was a body, all pasty and pale

Dressed in your finest dress, a flowered blue,

The eyes were closed with a look of peace

And I told everyone it wasn’t you,

If it had been you, you’d hold out your arms to me

Encircling me in your love’s security

When my parent’s fought, your bed was my haven

You were my shield, my advocate and then, you were gone,

Days later as I wept, missing you, you came to me

You held me once more in peace and serenity

You wiped my tears and gave me joy

Just like before and I knew you would be with me


Your Legacy

Your Legacy

Your Legacy

For years, I watched you, learned from you,

You were my father, my role model,

For good or bad, right or wrong, indifferent,

Emotionally, you were luke-warm,

Physically, strong, determined, stoic,

Burying your pain, your sorrow and even loss

Deeper and deeper, inside you,

Do I mourn for you now?

In truth, I never knew you,

But I do mourn, not for you but, rather

What could have been, the relationship

We never had, the open, honest and even loving

Father-Daughter bond we could have shared,

Even today, when I think of you, I feel nothing

Perhaps that was what you intended, all along.

Fantastic News!

Fantastic News!

Hello my Friends,

Just a quick note to let you know I’m off to a fantastic start writing-wise in 2018. I just released my novel, My Father’s Magic, in print form. It’s currently available for purchase on Amazon.

Also today thru Sunday, my short stories, “Fresh Meat” and “A Home for Rose.” are both free on Amazon. In addition, the price on the eBook version of My Father’s Magic has been reduced. Or, you can get it for free when you buy the print version!

I’ve done all this in preparation for my upcoming new books! Later this year, I plan to release book two of the Esme Bohlin Suspense Series, Revenge of the Dark Queen. And, in 2019, I plan to release Dark Desert Tales: The Collection. Featuring three brand new Dark Desert Tales and alternate endings for A Home for Rose and Fresh Meat.

Needless to say that after a problematic year in 2017, I’m so glad to be busy doing what I love, writing. Thanks for reading and I hope your 2018 is phenomenal!




How NOT to Write a Horror Story –

How NOT to Write a Horror Story –

What I’ve Learned So Far –

For more than seven years I’ve been working on this one horror story, off and on. It’s a story that shows great promise. Truly remarkable and unforgettable characters, one of which scares me witless, but for the life of me, I cannot get this story right.

This morning, I decided that there are a few things I’ve learned from trying to write this story, especially after publishing three others during the time I’ve been working on this one:

  1. Every story is different –

    What works for one story, does not necessarily work for another and as a writer, I must be honest enough with myself to recognize that.

  2. As a writer, I must face my fears –

    Especially while writing horror and, in this case, my fear is my antagonist. While interviewing him before writing this story, he truly unnerved me and unfortunately, I believe at some point, I chickened out.

  3. Don’t listen to other people’s well meaning advice –

    Wait, before you go off the deep end, allow me to clarify. Yes, some writing advice is good and noteworthy. But in the case of your story, no one knows your story better than you do, even if it’s still inside your head and in this particular case, part of it was research.

    In the original story, the focus was on Native Americans, Apaches to be exact, and during a research trip I interviewed a so-called Apache expert on the reservation near Flagstaff. The result of this bound me up creatively so bad that I scrapped the story.

    The other problem I had was taking the story to two different writers’ groups over the years, both of which were helpful in one fashion, but totally confusing in another. So, I put the story on the back burner to “cook” some more.

    In the meantime, I tried changing the layout of the story, adding a prologue, taking away the prologue, because prologues are “bad” right? I’m laughing now, but not then. Then to make the story fit I added two more scenes completely changing the dynamics to fit the new story. Sheesh! Crazy stuff…

  4. When all else fails, rewrite –

    Which is what I am now preparing to do. The first seventeen pages are great and then I get off track. So, that’s where I hope to pick up this afternoon. Sound be interesting as I’m working on the Esme Bohlin series this morning.

  5. Relax. Meditate. But, whatever you do, stay true –

    To your characters and your story. Maybe that’s how Stephen King does it?

    I don’t know. Yeah, I’ve read On Writing, maybe I need to reread it.

    Bottom line, in the process of writing the first version of my story, I knew I’d lost my antagonist somewhere along the way, but had no idea where. Then, to make matters worse, I made him into a love-obsessed “clown.” Maybe he really is a clown…

    Nah, he’s a seven-foot effin’ bone-obsessed, angry, red-eyed dude that can scare people into sticking knifes in their bodies… He’s definitely no clown!

    (Disclaimer – this is in absolutely NO reference to Pennywise in Stephen King’s IT, even though he really was more than just a clown.)

    Venting Over –

    Okay, thanks for listening. Now onto writing and rewriting and hopefully I’ll finally get this horror story done…hopefully, this year. Of course, if you find me with a long, sharp knife sticking out of my chest, you’ll know why.

    As for the picture above, yeah, there’s definitely a cave involved…


Stephen King’s IT

Stephen King’s IT

An old blog post revisited… IT by Stephen King –

Living an Adventure –

A few days back, I finally overcame my fear and reservations and once again started reading Stephen King’s IT. Truly one of the most well-crafted books I’ve ever read, I’m 454 pages in and though it’s scary and unnerving in parts, the characters are so well written, so well developed, that I feel as though I know them personally. As a reader, I am no longer reading a book, but living an adventure.

IT, the Movie –

 If you’ve ever seen the the movie, IT, and like most Stephen King movies, thought, it’s just a horror flick intended to scare the beejeebies out of me, you’re right. Hollywood tends to distort King’s masterful stories, eliminating major and amazing parts to give their audience what they believe they want.

Never Judge a Book by the Movie –

So, please never judge the book, IT, based on the movie, because the book is an amazing story, one I always find hard to put down…and I have no doubt that it’s one I will cherish and forever applaud as being a masterful example of story telling.

Update –

I loved the book so much, I cried for the characters at the end. But, not for the reasons you may guess.
And, to be noted, as this is a revisit to an old blog post, I haven’t seen the most current movie.