Comfort Food

Comfort Food

She crept along the corridor

Taking care to keep footsteps quiet
Her breathing soft
Her ears keen, listening for voices,

They said they were going out

But not to her
She was invisible,
A nonexistent entity
Her sole purpose to do their bidding
And disappear

The house was  empty

Except for her,
All was silent but the kitchen clock,
She was alone, finally
She loved these times
By herself, no one watching

She could sneak into the empty rooms

Restricted to her
Cupboards open, she was hungry
For love and affection but a stolen cookie or two
Would have to do,
To ease the pain and fill the hole

A car door slams, bare feet scurry

Up the stairs to her room, hoping
Her presence in the forbidden canister

Would go unnoticed.

Copyright 2009

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