My Interview with Author Tina-Marie Miller

My Interview with Author Tina-Marie Miller

My guest this week is Author Tina-Marie Miller. Hello Tina-Marie, thanks for joining us!

Hello Ingrid, thanks so much for the opportunity.

The Hamptons

I recently read your novel, THE CURIOUS MISS FORTUNE, your second novel in The Hamptons series. I love the way you start the story with Tiggy getting notified by her father’s lawyer, leading her to return to The Hamptons. You don’t tell us why she’s returning or the backstory of why she’s reluctant.  Your writing is mysterious, dynamic and compelling. I couldn’t stop reading.

So, my first question, Tina-Marie, is where did your idea for The Hamptons come from?  

Thank you so much for your kind words Ingrid, I am truly thrilled that you enjoyed The Curious Miss Fortune.

The idea for The Hamptons came about when I was writing my debut novel, Everything Happens For A Reason. Although I always intended to make this a series, I hadn’t at that stage created anything more than King’s Oak, the fictional village, that the main protagonist – Poppy Jackson – was brought up in. As the story developed and I had her returning to her roots, the idea for Hampton Ash and Hampton Waters – known as The Hamptons – evolved. A plethora of future story lines started vying for attention so I took the time to step back and create a whole fictional county! This has fed my imagination further and will hopefully lead me to create many more future books in the series.

The Series

There are three books in the series now, EVERYTHING HAPPENS for a REASON, THE CURIOUS MISS FORTUNE, and FAME and FORTUNE. For those of us who love your writing and are anxiously awaiting your latest book, can you give us a few words about FAME and FORTUNE to wet our appetites?

I had already planned out some of the story lines for Fame and Fortune, but despite this, once I began actually writing it, two more ideas were screaming at me to be told. So, I went back and revised my original ideas and was pleasantly surprised by how it all turned out.

Whilst we return to the light-heartedness of village life, Fame and Fortune explores the phenomenon of Ghosting – the practice of suddenly ending all contact with a person without explanation. I have attempted to tackle this serious issue from different perspectives.

We welcome back many favored characters such as Diana Fortune who, as The Curious Miss Fortune reveals, has become quite the celebrity. The Hamptons receive an invitation to participate in the Cotswolds County Majorette of the Year competition and Diana is approached to form a team for the villages’ entry. Enter the Fortunettes, who are soon put through their paces in preparation for the big event – which of course doesn’t come without its challenges!

We are introduced to several new characters too, including the glamorous Georgina Fame, a popular weight loss guru.

It’s a tale of family conflict, deceit, broken hearts and redemption… Well… this is the Hamptons after all!

Sounds wonderful, Tina-Marie!  I can’t wait to read Fame and Fortune.

That’s super kind of you to say Ingrid, thank you.

Getting to Know Tina-Marie Miller 

Just a couple questions so we can get to know you better…

1) If you were a bird, what would you be and why?

It would have to be a hummingbird. Apart from their glorious colors, they always appear to be so happy despite being so busy. I see them as spreading happiness and positivity wherever they go which is something I aspire to do each and every day.

Like you, I admire hummingbirds and your posts and tweets never fail to make me smile.

2) What is your favorite thing to do to relieve stress?

Like many people, I am no stranger to stress and anxiety, and I have tried various techniques over the years to bring relief. I remember once driving into the depths of Oxford for a reflexology session – something I had never tried before. At the end of the session, I felt amazing – until I got up to leave. I hadn’t appreciated that the lotion the practitioner had applied to my feet was slippery and I ended up falling down three flights of stairs! Literally black and blue with bruises over the following days, I had a good chuckle about it. I then went on to try Reiki healing – something completely non-evasive that clicked with me immediately and over the following years I went on to train as a Reiki Master. Now I regularly meditate and perform self-healing. It is always my immediate go-to in times of stress.

Falling down the stairs, how awful! I’m so glad there wasn’t any permanent damage.

As for Reiki healing, I’ve experienced it with my sister who is also a Reiki Master. It just proves how amazing you are, Tina-Marie. An author and a Reiki healer, too worthwhile and time consuming endeavors.

Thanks so much for sharing.

3) What is your favorite quote?

‘Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops’ – Cary Grant

Another favorite, Cary Grant, what a great quote!

4) Now, do you want to give a shout out to anyone?

I would like to give a huge shout out to my daughter Alexandra who is always on hand to listen to my latest ideas, offering encouragement and giving me the confidence to put a voice to my thoughts. We not only share a passion for books and writing, but we have a wealth of other common interests and never run out of things to discuss! She is a complete blessing to me and I give thanks for her each and every day.

Tina-Marie, Alexandra sounds like an amazing young woman!

Thank you, Tina-Marie, for being our guest today. It was a pleasure getting to know you a little better and for hearing about your new release, FAME and FORTUNE.

Readers, for more information about Tina-Marie Miller, please read on, and thank you, as always, for visiting!

Tina-Marie’s Bio:

Tina-Marie Miller is a UK based author and writer of women’s fiction. She was born and bred in the beautiful, historic village of Sutton Courtenay, near Abingdon, Oxfordshire, famed for being the final resting places of George Orwell (author of Nineteen Eighty-Four) and Herbert Asquith (Prime Minister 1908-1916).

Having previously enjoyed a successful career working for a number of blue chip organizations based in London and the Home Counties, Tina-Marie is now based in a small village in South Cornwall with her husband and two adult children, where she spends her time reading, writing and walking along the idyllic Cornwall coasts.

She enjoys nothing more than curling up with a good book and a cup of tea, and losing herself in tales of love, life and laughter.

Stay in Touch

If you would like more information about Tina-Marie Miller, here are her links below:





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