Tag: NaNoMoWri

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)

aka November

This is my second November joining National Novel Writing Month, also known to the faithful as NaNoWriMo. I love doing NaNoWriMo ! Mainly because of the challenge, the feeling of daily word accomplishment and this year, the fellowship. On the whole, Writers are a marvelous group to know. You just have to get yourself out there and jump into the swim so to speak.

For me, it’s all about forcing myself to spend one month meeting a daily word count with the goal of 50K words. That’s a big head start toward a suspense novel! It also inspires me to keep writing, not only this month but the rest of the year.

Now, with all that said, it’s November and National Novel Writing Month. So, back to writing. This year’s project, book three of my Esme Bohlin Suspense series, THE DRAGON’S EGG. Yeah, I’m excited!

Thanks for reading! See you on NaNoWriMo

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